Full Stack Developer

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My name is Mariangela D'Addato and I'm a full stack developer based in London.

I have a passion for solving complex problems through software development. I founded Celestria as a solopreneur, driven by the desire to streamline cumbersome processes and empower businesses through technology.

My career began in the corporate world where I worked as a financial analyst and later transitioned into strategic pricing. Frustrated by manual tasks and inefficiencies, I decided to learn coding and software development.

My programming journey began in 2015 when I taught myself Python. This foundational step led to my exploration of machine learning and deep learning, culminating in the creation of Lexi, a web application designed to digitise one of those tedious, manual processes that I had encountered too frequently.

While my background is in Economics and Business Management, I leverage my corporate experience to understand the needs of the users and develop software solutions that prioritise ease of use and efficiency. My priority is transforming businesses and making people's jobs easier.

Explore my portfolio to see examples of my work, and if you're seeking a full stack developer to bring your project to life, don't hesitate to reach out.


  • Stack: LAMP
  • Languages: Python, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Java
  • Frameworks: Django
  • Databases: Postgresql
  • Cloud: AWS, Azure
  • Deep Learning: Sagemaker, Hugging Face, Jupyter Notebook
  • Packages: Pandas, Numpy, Scikit-Learn, Pytorch
  • Digital Marketing: Technical SEO